Rich text editor javascript – the features you need to be aware of

The rich text editor javascript allows in editing and decorating text like changing the fonts, the text color and also other sorts of simple text editing. There are multiple features available in this rich text editor. These include aligning texts, inserting tables and tags for embedding within multimedia files. You will also be able to create links that are associated with the texts and also the URL of the website that you want to open. With this editor, you will be able to easily create and publish content. The web developers will have a better grip over the look and feel of the overall website.

Numerous companies have integrated the rich text editor javascript within the content management systems that include e-learning, discussion forums, applications, mail and many other functions. Apart from that, the rich text editors also allow the developers in easily customizing and extending the editor.

One of the best features of this rich text editor is this is a cross-browser, a cross-platform editor. It has been a pretty long time since the rich text editor continues to offer better quality and compatibility. The reason being, it supports all major browsers starting from all versions of internet explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, opera, safari, and chrome. It also includes Linux and Macintosh.

Another important feature of rich texteditor javascript is it is capable of generating clean XHTML. Also, it is compliant with the web standards without and it comes without any depreciated tags. Most of the editors are just javascript wrappers present around the editing control and built within the browsers like MSHTML control that is found in the IE. These editors that generate HTML and then run the code, clean up routines against it, will also have significant limitations. On the other hand, the rich text editor is developed from the ground up to be a genuine XHTML editor on its right.

The rich text editor is extremely small and fast. Most of the feature-rich text editors have a long load time because of the large javascript files. The rich text editor loads the necessary scripts for client browsers. Numerous optimization methods are applied to rich text editors. This is clean, compact, powerful, efficient and extremely fast-loading.

You will have the option of inserting clean HTML from Microsoft Word. When the text has been pasted from Microsoft Word, there is a lot of unnecessary word specific markup that is carried across. This results in web pages that take up a lot of unnecessary time for downloading. The paste from the word button has ended this issue by removing word markup before it is pasted into the web page.

There is an advanced file upload function where you can integrate a high-performing ASP.NET upload component – an Ajax uploader into the Rich Text Editor. This allows you to select and upload multiple files. This also supports client-side validation of the file size and type before they are uploaded.


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